SUNDAY, February 23rd – 10:00am – 7th Sunday after Epiphany & VESTRY Sunday
The Pre-Vestry Zoom link will be emailed on Thursday morning
If you are unable to attend worship in person, the service is live streamed.
For links to the service and the order of service please visit St. James at: stjamesdundas.ca or the St. James Facebook page.
Tuesday Evening Prayer
The Tuesday evening prayer group has evolved.
We are now meeting in a hybrid format. You are welcome to join on Tuesday evening at 6:15 in the parlour at St. James, or through Zoom at the same time. If you would like to join via Zoom,
please email Dana Murray on Tuesdays by 4:00pm at danamurray999@gmail.com
to receive the Zoom meeting link.
The meeting is a combination of prayer and discussion of either a devotional or a passage from scripture. We look forward to welcoming you.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 9:15 p.m. Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
October 2024 To March 1 2025
Gently used, clean items may be placed in the containers located at the parking lot entrance to the church.
Please pass the word through your channels.

MONDAY AFTERNOON GAMES – First and third Monday of the month from 1.30-4pm, in the Parlour. Everyone is invited to participate.
Monthly Services at Dundas Seniors’ Residences
Do you have a passion or interest in ministering with seniors? Can you spare a couple of hours a month? St. James is seeking ministry volunteers to help at three retirement residences where St. James provides a monthly service.
Please speak with Canon Leslie if you are able to help with this important and rewarding ministry.
The Knitting group meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 in the St. James Church parlour. All are welcome!
Monthly Services at Dundas Seniors’ Residences
Do you have a passion or interest in ministering with seniors? Can you spare a couple of hours a month? St. James is seeking ministry volunteers to help at three retirement residences where St. James provides a monthly service.
Please speak with Canon Leslie if you are able to help with this important and rewarding ministry.

World Day of Prayer – Friday March 7th @ 2pm
We are seeking volunteers to read or assist at the World Day of Prayer Service. Please speak with Anne Washington or Canon Leslie if you are interested. If anyone has a connection to the Cook Islands we would love to hear from you!
ANNUAL VESTRY – February 23rd
Over the next two weeks please check the ‘eligible voter list’ on the bulletin board outside the church office. If your name does not appear on the list, but you meet the eligibility criteria, please notify the church office. ~~~~~
As part of the body of Christ we all have a role to play in sharing our gifts and skills for ministry. You may wish to prayerfully consider:
Parish Council Rep Lay delegate to Synod
Stewardship Team Open House Planning Team
Speak with Canon Leslie or one of the wardens if you feel called to one of these positions or would like further information!


At the Annual Vestry meeting this year, soup will be served! Hence, we are looking for volunteers who are able to make soups. At least one vegetarian soup is required. Please contact the office if you can contribute some soup. Thank you in advance for helping out!
St. James Outreach Fair
Did you know that there are over thirty volunteer committees at St. James. Do you know why they do what they do? Do you know what they do? Would you like to find out and perhaps volunteer some of your free time to participate in the life of St. James as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus? The outreach committee is inviting everyone to a Ministry Fair on Saturday March 8th and Sunday March 9th at St. James. Information tables will be set up in the Dundas Room and the Narthex with representatives from all the committees to inform you about why, how, and what they do. Bring your questions and curiosity! The fair will start before the Saturday night dinner at 5pm and conclude after the Sunday service. Come on out and discover how coming alongside God and others can be an amazing and transformative experience.

Orders are due on Vestry Sunday, February 23!
Order Form has been provided as an attachment


‘Sharing their Gifts’ Event
St. James' Church is hosting an exciting fundraising event on Saturday April 5th. The event includes a performance of ‘Ushindi: When We are Welcome’ followed by an authentic Kurdish dinner. Tickets are $75.
Ushindi, the play, will also be shown at 2:00 pm on the same day followed by Arabic deserts, coffee and tea. Tickets for the matinee are $25.
The meal will be prepared by members of Hamilton's Kurdish community. It is their way to thank St. James Church for sponsoring and supporting Syrian refugees over the years. Ushindi is about the experiences of refugee women when they arrive in Hamilton. It won an award at the Hamilton Fringe Festival last summer.
Tickets may be purchased online beginning March 3, 2025, at stjamesdundas.ca. Tickets may also be purchased in person at the St. James' church office and after church. Make sure to buy early as the number of tickets is limited.
This event will be a major fundraiser to support the ministries of St. James'. We would appreciate your help to make sure it is a successful event.
· Buy your tickets early and tell your friends and family!
· Put a poster up where you live, work or play.
· Volunteer to help - sign up lists will be up soon.
· Sponsor the event if you know a business or contact who may be interested
· Donate gift certificates, bottles of wine, or services for the silent auction table
Watch this spot for more details. If you have questions, be in touch with Lynn D., Chairperson of the Sharing Their Gifts event VIA THE OFFICE 905-627-1424

Upcoming Events & Important Dates
February 20 Pre-Vestry via Zoom @6:30pm
February 23 Vestry Sunday – a light lunch served & Fundscrip Orders due!
March 4 Pancake Supper (Shrove Tuesday)
March 5 Ash Wednesday Service 7pm
March 7 World Day of Prayer 2pm (hosted by St. James)
March 11 Lenten Organ Recital at 12:15 admission $10
March 18 Lenten Organ Recital at 12:15 admission $10
March 19 ADC Lenten Potluck & Movie Night @ Highland Hills 5:30pm
March 30 Mark Curtis Concert 3pm
April 1 Lenten Organ Recital at 12:15 admission $10
April 5 Kurdish Dinner & Play