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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 4 October 2021


We hope this doesn’t last much longer, but while we are on the current directions from the Diocese, we ask that you please reserve a space using the website or by calling the office … before the end of the day on Thursday, so that the list can be prepared for the greeters. Please register … it helps to make the process of contact tracing and entry to the church easier. We hope this doesn’t last much longer, but while we are on the current directions from the Diocese, we ask that you please reserve a space using the website or by calling the office … before the end of the day on Thursday, so that the list can be prepared for the greeters. Please register … it helps to make the process of contact tracing and entry to the church easier.

If you cannot attend in person you will also be able to “tune in” and watch, engage and enjoy the service, beginning at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The link is provided on the parish Facebook site and website. Many thanks to Frank R. for his dedicated commitment in assisting with the broadcast of the service.


It’s here somewhere … you may have to search to find it.


The Dundas Room was a blessing to us during the pandemic – storage, in particular! Lynn Dykeman sold just about anything that didn’t move in there! But, in the end, some stuff just had to go. The incentive was the use of the room for the election … and for us as we hopefully move forward. A special thanks to Lynn, Jed and Miriam G. and your warden, Terese H. for a tremendous amount of work - not noticed by most because we have not been there - they brought this room back to life again.


Sue C. passes along this note regarding next Sunday – Thanksgiving…. “if you would like to donate food items to decorate for Thanksgiving, please arrange to bring them to the church by Thursday 7th at a time when the office is open.” (This week office hours are: Monday 9am-3pm, Wednesday 9am-4:30pm and Thursday 9am -12:30pm)


The fobs that many people who use the church frequently have been disabled during the pandemic. Hopefully, this situation will get a lot easier sometime in the near future. In order for this to occur, we are asking that all who have fobs (or keys), please return them to the office (IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME ON IT…SO WE KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM) so that the fobs can be reprogrammed.


Unfortunately, this event, originally scheduled for November 6th has been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions on numbers that can be accommodated. New date – YES – write it into your calendar now! That’s how BIG an event this will be ---- May 28, 2022. [NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE DATE FROM THE 14TH]


The second phase of the Making It Happen project has begun! With YOUR generosity and the hard work of Gillian H. and Jan S., we are at the point where we can begin the work on the lighting components in many areas of the church. The impact of this part of the Making It Happen project will be savings in our hydro bill in the future. So, not only are we improving the lighting, but we are being good stewards of the environment at the same time. Completion will be in about a month; work will begin on the lower floor first and will be coordinated with the Pre-School.


Many of you will not be familiar with this artist - Les Reid – but you may be able to experience his lovely water colours sometime in the near future. Formerly a parishioner at St. Stephen-on-the-Mount in Hamilton, Les was a self-taught watercolour artist. We will be sharing his works in the Sanctuary soon. You may also see some of his works circulated on social media. Many thanks to Isabella G. for her incredible amount of work, organizing and cataloguing these original water colours.


Food Sale … October 15. Please let Auntie Jill know whether you are able to contribute in any way. Call or email the office 905-627-1424 or for further information about the Food Sale. Angela A. is making her famous soup and needs 1 litre jars. If you have any, please contact Angela or leave them at the church.


We have established contact with the Mission to Seafarers in Hamilton and a small group are visiting their facilities on October 18th. They have a need for warm clothing for the Seafarers; so if you have any items that might be suitable please can you leave them in the box outside the church before the 18th. This will be an ongoing need so as church opens we will arrange for a permanent inside area for donations. If you have any questions please contact the office 905-627-1424 or



The ZOOM coffee hour will take a short hiatus and will resume on the 21st of October.


MILK BAGS - outer plastic Milk Bags (clean) which are then up-cycled. Please see Carleon H. for more information or contact the office.

POSTAGE STAMPS and EYEGLASSES - used postage stamps for the leprosy mission and used eyeglasses for medical mission. Please speak to Diana S. for more information or contact the office.

BATTERIES - We have a box in the narthex to collect used batteries for recycling.

FOOD BANK DONATIONS - We have a new collection point in the narthex with labelled drawers for donations to local food banks. We regularly need pasta, baby food and other baby care essentials, toiletries and hygiene products, jam and peanut butter, canned meats, canned fruit and canned vegetables. Please speak to Terese H. for more information or contact the office.

PRAYER OF THE WEEK A Thanksgiving Prayer from Daniel Roselle This is a day for thanks … a day in which we see or hear or feel the wonders of the other moments of the year; This is a day for time .. a day in which we think of pasts that make our present rich and future bountiful; This is a day for joy … a day in which we share a gif of laughter - warm and gentle as a smile; Above all, this is a day for peace … So let us touch each other and know that we are one. For these and other blessings, we thank thee, God. Amen

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