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Parish News January 14th, 2020



Sunday 19th January 2020

2nd After Epiphany




A huge thanks to all those volunteers who turned out on Saturday morning to help with our ‘Maintenance Morning’. A lot was accomplished; we started painting the ‘ramp area’ which is a huge job. We have cleaned out closets, emptied the old nursery, started painting the children’s room and put together new storage furniture and even fixed some light fixtures and identified other areas that need attention. Another morning will be scheduled soon to press on with the work!

R.I.P. Irene Bailey

The Funeral for Irene Bailey will be held this coming Saturday 18th at 11am here at Saint James. Irene was not only the founder of our Annual House Tour, but also in the 1970’s our Parish Administrator. We give thanks for her years of faithful service.


The ‘Jill Award’ is given annually to a volunteer who exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism at Saint James Church, particularly those who encourage the next generation of volunteers. The qualities in such a volunteer would include accountability, inclusivity, a passion for helping others, dependability and commitment. Nominations are open from December 1st – January 31st. Nomination forms are available from the welcome centre in the Narthex. The Jill award will be presented at the annual vestry meeting of Saint James Church

The completed form should be submitted directly to the Rector.


There will be a special service hosted by the Association of Dundas Churches on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7pm at Dundas Baptist Church; a night where we celebrate the unity of our faith and our fellowship with Christians from many traditions. Please come if you are able.


The Annual Vestry meeting will take place on Sunday 23rd February 2020 following a SINGLE SERVICE at 9.30am. There is a nomination sheet for Parish Council and corporation in the Narthex. All nominations and any motions for consideration must be passed to the chair (Mike) prior to the start of the meeting.

VESTRY REPORT ELECTRONICALLY – Please let the office know if you would like to receive the vestry report electronically. There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex or you can just email the office to let Nyle know. This helps us be good stewards of our resources.


Every week after the 1030am service we enjoy coffee and refreshments in the Dundas Room. However it is often the same people left behind to clean up after us. There is now a sign up sheet in the corridor outside the Dundas room for volunteers to sign up to help. Please step up, even once every few months helps! Speak to Jill for more information.

Lent 2020

As we prepare for Lent 2020, some info for your schedule:

  • Ash Wednesday: February 26th 2020, join us for a service to begin the journey of Lent at either 10am or 7pm.

  • The Bishop’s Lent Book for 2020 is ‘Inspired’ by Rachel Held Evans. Copies of the book are available from the Parish Office or after Sunday services priced $17.

  • On Sundays during Lent we will have a sermon series entitled ‘Why Jesus’ and we’ll be looking for volunteers at the end of Lent to share some very brief words on camera on what Jesus means to them. If you are willing to volunteer please let Mike Deed know.

  • At the Easter vigil we will bless and dedicate a new Paschal Candle for the year 2020. If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of the candle (approx. $200) please put your money in an envelope clearly marked ‘Paschal Candle’ and pass it to the parish office. Much like Christmas flowers we will publish a list of thanksgivings in the Easter bulletin.

NEW ART EXHIBIT for the month of January by Hamilton artist and art educator Alex Borghesan. Come and see his innovative artwork that uses natural sources found in the Hamilton area for pigment to colour his pictures.

BODY AND SOUL - Tuesdays 10 am – 11:30 am. Jan 21 – topic: Heart and Stroke

WOMEN’S DINNER – January 17th

Tickets will be available for purchase or reservation after the service on Sunday and from the church office. A sign-up poster will be in the Narthex for those available to help.

ASSOCIATION OF DUNDAS CHURCHES regular monthly meetings are open. Next gathering is on Thursday January 23rd at Christ Church Flamborough at 7 pm. Want to find out more? Contact Rev. Mike, Norma Coe or Anne Washington reps for St. James Church.

EcoWHam are hosting a Climate Change science and information event on Friday, Jan 17th. at St. Mark’s United Church, Dundas at 7 p.m. The speaker is Tina Di Clemente from Elders for Climate Sanity. Free/light refreshments.

PLAY CLUB the next Dundas Little Theatre Play is February 2nd . Potluck lunch after church and the play begins at 2pm.

GOOD FOOD BOXES - will be Friday Jan. 24th. Please let Sue Carson know if you want a box this month.

Routes Youth Centre annual Dinner & Silent Auction is 6:00 PM Friday. February 28th at the Dundas Valley Golf & Curling Club. For tickets call Gary Caldwell at 519 647-3504.


Morning Canticle

Christ, as a light illumine and guide me. Christ, as a shield overshadow me. Christ under me; Christ over me; Christ beside me on my left and my right.

This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all-powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak; in the mouth of each who speaks unto me. This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all-powerful. Christ as a light; Christ as a shield; Christ beside me on my left and my right.

From the Northumbria Community



(905) 627-1424

©2023 by St. James Anglican Dundas. 

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